Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Cashew Milk - Just Another Reason Why I Love Silk Products

So you know you are a Foodie when you see a picture like this posted on the internet and you get REALLY EXCITED!

Not only did I get excited, but I even tweeted Silk to see if it was true!

And you know what? IT IS!!

Silk tweeted me back with a link to their site with all the info..


Well, almost all the info..

There's just no exact date of when it will be in stores.

But I'll wait.. It looks like it would be deliciously worth it.

And yes.. I am a foodie nerd.. and proud of it!


  1. I am so excited to try this! Had not heard about it previously.

  2. OMG this is awesome!!! My husband is highly allergic to almonds so we can NEVER get the almond milk and it makes me so sad! Cannot wait to try this!

  3. This is exciting! I've never been a huge fan of dairy milk (horrible experience with expired milk when I was a teen), so I've been a big soy and almond milk drinker. Love that Silk is coming out with a new line of cashew milk! Will definitely have to give it a go once it hits shelves. Thanks for the heads up!

    Megan | Southern Charmed

  4. Yes! I'm excited too. I'm thinking it's going to be a bit pricey because cashews usually are, but we'll see. YUM!
    Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Ah! Glad to have helped spread the news and hopefully your hubby will be happy too!!
    Thanks for stopping by!


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